At the beginning of September 2022, we celebrated a major success in our research project with Hagenberg University of Applied Sciences. Our project partner wins the Best Paper Award at IntelliSys for the article Anomaly-based Risk Detection using Digital News Articles.
We have already reported on our CRISAM.AI research project with Hagenberg University of Applied Sciences and we are delighted about this international recognition of our research activities.
At the international conference Intelligent Systems (IntelliSys) 2022, which focuses on the field of artificial intelligence and its application in the real world, the team of authors from the FH Upper Austria Campus Hagenberg Andreas Pointner, Eva-Maria Spitzer, Oliver Krauss and Andreas Stöckl received the “Best Paper Award“. IntelliSys is one of the most prestigious AI conferences and took place in Amsterdam this year.
The scientific work Anomaly-based Risk Detection using Digital News Articles, which deals with the analysis of media data for risk management, uses current methods from natural language processing. The research project is supported by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG). The results are incorporated into the new versions of our GRC solution CRISAM®.
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